Donor Recognition | Tapestry Foundation. Donor Recognition | Tapestry Foundation


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

Edward Fitzpatrick Loretta Foo Friends of Youville Casino Acct Victoria Drive Community Hall Association Wai - On Foundation

Mr. Edward B. Bradstreet and Mrs. Lynne C. Bradstreet Mr. Alan K. Brakoniecki and Mrs. Mrs. Nicole C. Fitzpatrick Michael J. Flahive, Ph.D. and Mrs. Carolyn R. Flahive Mr. Robert C. Hall, Jr. and Mrs. Christine O. Hall

Fitzpatrick Hall of Engineering was designed completely continuous with the Cushing Hall of Engineering. ... named for its principal donor, the Edward B.

2007 Golf Classic Sponsors, 2008 Hall of Fame Sponsors 2007 Donors List. Matching Gifts. Abbott Fund. Astoria Federal Savings Edward R. Jelinek '69. Victoria Sonnenblick Jordan '68 Maureen Lambe Fitzpatrick '83. Debra McCrea Flack '70 In Memory of Robert B. St.Louis. Maureen Toomey '70

Edward Fitzpatrick Jr. Thomas Fleming. William Fleming. George Forgue Sidney Hagan. Harold Hagin. Richard Hahn. 2008-09 Life Member Donors. Page 2. Roger Haines. John Hall. Paul Halyard Jr. Jere Hamilton. Roy Hanson. Kenneth Harazin

Choate Rosemary Hall. 2006 – 2007 Honor Roll of Donors. This Honor Roll reflects outright gifts of cash and pledge Edward B. Ayres '46 (P) (dec.) Wayne L. and Lea Berman (P) John D. Fitzpatrick '74. Susan R. Fox-Erlich (P)

We are grateful to all of our donors who can proudly know that they have made a difference in the lives of Eco:Logic; Edward Jones; Jon and Marcia Garcia; Granite Bay Ventures The J. Fitzpatrick Collection; Joseph and Marilyn Thomas Sofia A. Gutierrez; Patricia Hall; Diana Helton; Peter and Janet Hill

Mary Ellen and Ed Bossom. Ms. Mary B. Bailey. Ms. Maria L. Bowen Jennifer and Michael Fitzpatrick. Judge and Mrs. Bernard Devine. Mr. Charles R. Fogg Mrs. Muriel J. Hall. Bethany and Jerry Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Halle

31 Dec 2009 WRI Gratefully Acknowledges Our Donors Craig and Diane Fischer; Blake Fisher; John Fitzpatrick; David Flannery David P. Hackett; Ridgway M. Hall, Jr. Doreen B. Hamilton; John and Nancy Hammond Steve Canton; Capital Z Partners; Edward L. Cohen; Convergent Wealth Advisors, LLC

Edward Smith Hall (1786 - 1860), attributed to Augustus Earle, c1820, 10, 12-18; B. Fitzpatrick, The Australian People 1788-1945 (Melb, 1946);

Gloria Grant Fitzpatrick Gayle Grant McBride. Janis & Alan Grant John Hall & Valerie Strickler Thomas & Angela Hall Wade Hall Ginger B. Howell HSBC Bank Canada Cheng C. & Marjorie Hsu The Hub Group is now accepting Letters of Intent for projects in Prince Edward County with an emphasis on organizations

Mr. Daniel Hall. Langdon Hammer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harding III. Mr. and Mrs. William Hargreaves Mr. and Mrs. Edward Osman. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wright Palmer Ms. Alice Fitzpatrick. Mr. and Mrs. John Fix. Joanna Frank the Hellen Plummer Foundation and new donors gives us reason to look forward with great

The Fifth Annual Fridley Hall of Fame Dinner was held on Saturday November Ed Fitzpatrick: City council 18 years, Parks and Recreation Commission Chair,

Gail Carney, Jummiy Hall, Catherine Carney, Kenneth Yooga, Lee Gangl, Leon Berkovich, Edward B. Robb Carol A. Robb Eric N. Stotz ~ Karma Foundation, LLC in honor of John Fitzpatrick The Enrichment Company Anonymous

Mary Ann Boyer and Christopher R. Hall Ms. Patricia Y. Harrigan Robin R. Hauner Renee Hughes Dr. Denise F. Fitzpatrick and Mr. John P. Sheppard Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Berg Deborah Hellman and Derek Brown

According to Dr Edward M Walsh, first President of the University of Limerick, Chuck Feeney (through Atlantic Philanthropies) was a major donor to the The 500-seater University Concert Hall, seen from the northern end of a water Tom Fitzpatrick, Antony Gormley and most recently Sean Scully. a b

31 Mar 2010 Michelle Ecarnot Berny Gross & Jackie Hall B. Happy Ken & Sue Linnen Anne E. Parker Al J. Fitzpatrick Bryan V. & Joanne Hillis Joyce & Ronald Hilton Edward D. Bayda & Lorraine Bethell Lynne & Gerald Bayne

Mr. James F. Fitzpatrick III '59. Mr. and Mrs. H. Frank Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Hall Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark Hall '77 Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Hamler '56. Mr. and Mrs. F. Dickson Hand Jr. '53

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