NAPIER FAMILY GENEALOGY. RootsWeb: NAPIER-L Re: [NAPIER] Sources for Dr Patrick Napier of


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011 Dr. Patrick Napier of Virginia and Related Families: Vava Knepp: Books.

The line of descent of my family through the Napier family in America is as follows: 1. Dr. Patrick Napier who came to Virginia between 1650 and 1655.

7 Apr 2004 The Country Dancer's “Celebrating Our Heritage” performance honored Dr. Patrick E. Napier,'49, an advocate for traditional dancing for more

26 Aug 2002 I have recently begun researching the Napier name and this website for my wife who is a descendant of Dr. Patrick Napier (Chirurgeon).

The other theory is that the name Napier is a derivative spelling of “Nae Peer. a Patrick Napier, who is recorded, in 1649, as being an apprentice to Dr

23 Jan 2004 May 1734 - sued for seperation by wife for abuse. Will dated 9 Dec 1755, proved 12 May 1763. - "DR. PATRICK NAPIER" by John Napier.

Dr. Patrick Napier, the immigrant progenitor, was among the first physicians in the Now to the origin of Dr. Patrick Napier, who lived in York County,

Subject: Re: [NAPIER] Sources for Dr Patrick Napier of Virginia Date: Mon, 05 Oct 2009 23:45:51 -0000. This is a Message Board Post that is gatewayed to

Dr. Patrick Napier, the immigrant progenitor, was among the first physicians in the Now to the origin of Dr. Patrick Napier, who lived in York County,

Katherine NAPIER was born before 10 Mar 1630. Parents: Dr Patrick NAPIER and Dr Patrick NAPIER was born about 1608. He died before 24 Nov 1659 in St

18 Jul 2000 Dr. Patrick Napier (1610 - 1669) __ __| | |__ | |--Dr. Patrick Napier | | __ |__| |__

11 Nov 1998 Dr Patrick Napier: His Ancestors and Some Descendants. (Oxford, Mississippi, The Guild Bindery Press: 1991). Ivan Napier.

Dr. Patrick Napier who came to America and married Elisabeth Booth, was born in London, England. They married circa 1658 in Virginia where he died in 1688.

5 Oct 2009 Re: Sources for Dr Patrick Napier of Virginia/Napier family history & genealogy message board. Hosted by

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