Chicago celebrates with St. Patrick's Day Parade | St. Patrick's Day in Chicago on Citysearch®


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

3 Mar 2009 All the St Patrick's Day Festivities downtown in Chicago listed with dates times and locations.

15 Feb 2011 St. Patrick's Day in Chicago. by Kimberly Peiffer - Citysearch Contributor - 52 Reviews - 61 Lists. sponsored by

2011 Chicago St Patrick's Day parade route, parties, events, bars, activities, things to do & irish pubs for 2011 St Patrick's Day in Chicago, IL.

Join us for a benefit and celebration of his life on Oct 9, 2010 at Hawthorn The Official Chicago St Patricks Day Parade Site

3 Mar 2009 Saint Patrick's Day is a big celebration in the City of Chicago, with not one, but two large parades. Chicago is unique for the tradition

14 Mar 2010 Saturday's St. Patrick's Day Parade down Columbus Drive marked the 55th year for the celebration.

Chicago Saint Patrick's Day Parade 2011. Saturday March 12th, 2011. Dyeing the Chicago River 10:30am: Saturday March 12th. The Chicago River will be dyed

The South Side Irish Parade Fest will take place on March 13, 2010, at the Beverly Arts Center, from 11am to 11pm.

15 Feb 2011 St. Patrick's Day in Chicago. by Kimberly Peiffer - Citysearch Contributor - 52 Reviews - 61 Lists. sponsored by

St Patrick's Day Parade 2011 – Online information about St Patrick's Day Parade 2011 events‚ St Patrick's Day Parade Chicago‚ New Orleans‚ Boston‚ Japan‚

Chicago St. Patrick's Day 2010 event listings from Centerstage Chicago. Find St. Pat's parties, parades and Irish beers at Chicago bars, restaurants and

The Chicago River is dyed green each year for the St. Patrick's Day celebration, shown here in 2009. Also called, St Patrick's Day St Paddy's Day

In a celebration of all things Irish, San Francisco adds a little Californian flavour to its annual St Patrick's Day Parade. The highlight of the day is the

Your 2011 guide to St. Patty's day parties and events.

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