Hard X-ray Diffraction-Limited Nanofocusing with Kirkpatrick-Baez . Short focal length Kirkpatrick-Baez mirrors for a hard x-ray


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

Several designs have been used in X-ray telescopes based on grazing incidence reflection: the Kirkpatrick-Baez design and a couple of designs by Wolter

15 Jul 2008 Laser-generated plasma; X-ray microscope; Electron; Kirkpatrick and Baez; Photon ; Neutrino; Positron; Magnetic confinement fusion energy

Since this was the first imaging telescope used for non-solar X-ray astronomy, the Kirkpatrick-Baez system is worthy of mention if only for historical

16 Feb 2007 Kirkpatrick-Baez Optics for Sub-Micrometre Focusing · Diffractive-refractive Optics: A New X-ray Focusing Monochromator

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