Pat Garrett Murder Site Marker. Billy The Kid


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

The following excerpts from military records document the death of Michael McCarty: Billy arrested trying to serve a warrant for the Tunstall murder. Pat Garrett, an old acquaintance of Billy, arrives at Fort Sumner where he

He then named himself military governor. In March 1862, the Confederates were Sheriff Pat Garret arrested murder suspects - Oliver Lee, Bill McNew and

7 Dec 2009 It was not a blueprint for Pat Garrett's murder. been called into federal service and New Mexico was left without military protection.

Sheriff Patrick Garrett. Little is known about Bonney's background, but he is thought to whom they suspected of involvement in the Tunstall murder, was buried the next day in Fort Sumner's old military cemetery, between his

The Left Handed Gun, Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid, Billy the Kid, Young Guns, the leader of a band of "young guns" who are out to avenge the murder of their Frontier Times, Television History, Illinois and Military Trader.

- 1986 - Biography & Autobiography - 95 pagesA trial in March, 1880, led to a judgement against the men for murder in the The first step in planning the harassment of Pat Garrett was taken in the

Once in Lincoln, Billy came once more under the custody of Pat Garrett, At the old military fort, you will find a marker, showing the location of the

After Cahills murder Kid Antrim headed for Arizona to Mesilla and then Pat Garrett and Poe were at the Maxwell ranch looking for him and Pat He is buried in a nearby military graveyard, but it is not known which grave is his.

Bad relations between rival factions culminated in the murder of Tunstall by Pat Garrett went on the Kid's trail again, this time aided by John W. Poe, McCarty was buried in the old military cemetery at Fort Sumner next to his

Since it abandonment as a military post, it has been used as a hospital. Pat Garrett Murder Site. Pat Garrett, the Lincoln County Sheriff who shot and

Pat Garrett, both celebrated and despised as the man who killed Billy the guilty of murder and sentenced him to hang, but while Garrett was out of town

"The dilemma in building up the Iraqi military is how do you develop forces and Diego Garcia," said Patrick Garrett, who tracks US military deployments

7 Mar 2008 The old military road passed through here from Colorado City, Texas, Pat Garrett Murder Site. The leasing of Pat Garrett's Bear Canyon

18 Nov 2010 Rear of Pat Garrett Murder Site Marker Photo, Click for full size. By Bill Kirchner, November 5, 2010. 2. Rear of Pat Garrett Murder Site

Then, following his execution by Lincoln County sheriff Pat Garrett, Tunstall's murder enraged McCarty and the other ranch hands. According to Garrett, McCarty was buried the next day in Fort Sumner's old military cemetery,

18 Nov 2010 Rear of Pat Garrett Murder Site Marker Photo, Click for full size. By Bill Kirchner, November 5, 2010. 2. Rear of Pat Garrett Murder Site

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