Festival WebQuests: St Patrick's Day | Onestopenglish. Sample Teacher Web Quests


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10 Feb 2010 Title: St. Patrick's Day Description: Grade Level: College / Adult Curriculum: English / Language Arts Keywords: Webquest

Visit the links below to find the answers to the questions about St. Patrick's Day. You'll have to be careful and read and think. Have Fun!

Spring Scavenger Hunt ~ St. Patrick's Day St. Patrick's Day History http://www. swlauriersb.qc.ca/english/edservices/pedresources/webquest/jfk/spring.htm

16 Jan 2011 WebQuest : Valentine's Day : created with Zunal WebQuest Maker St. Patrick's Day WebQuest . A Wee Bit of Irish. Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt

Who was St Patrick? Where in the world celebrates St Patrick's Day? In this WebQuest you will find the answers to these questions and discover a range of

Microsoft Word - St Patrick's Day Webquest. http://www.history.com/content/stpatricksday. Answer the following questions about St. Patrick's and his celebration

WebQuest: Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Introduction. Saint Patrick's Day takes place on 17th March, the day on which Saint Patrick, the patron saint of

http://www.dltk-holidays.com/patrick/index.html CRAFTS AND MORE. http://www. arthur.k12.il.us/arthurgs/stpthunt.htm WEBQUEST HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY

It's St. Patrick's Day and your group meets a lost leprechaun and how St. Patrick's Day originated, along with the customs and

Webquest St Patricks Day - Presentation Transcript. ST. PATRICK'S DAY; INTRODUCTION. St. Patrick's day is Ireland's greatest national holiday.

President's Day WebQuest. Presidential Knowledge. St. Patrick's Day WebQuest. Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt II. Thanksgiving II.

Use the following WebPages to find information about St. Patrick's Day. Why do people celebrate St. Patrick's Day? What happens on St. Patrick's Day?

President For The Day Web Quest It Takes Money To Make Money Web Quest Cyber-Starters, Rainforest Pack, St. Patrick's Day Cyber Starter

15 Jan 2010 WebQuest: St. Patrick's Day I. Compiled by: Vickie Owens. January 15, 2010 - Posted by mrsamparo | Irish Culture, Webquests

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