Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011
The chemtrail conspiracy theory holds that some trails left by aircraft are Patrick Minnis, an atmospheric scientist with NASA's Langley Research
18 Mar 2004 USA Today Ridicules Chemtrails: Nothing is ''out there'' except water Patrick Minnis of NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va.
1 Aug 2004 Chemtrails are no longer just a 'conspiracy theory' cites some comments from scientist Patrick Minnis from NASA's Langley Research
Contrails / Chemtrails. Air Traffic. At high altitudes, the emissions of aerosols and Patrick Minnis of NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va.
17 Jun 2008 There are good references to chemtrail debunker websites on Wikipedia including interviews with NASA's Patrick Minnis.
31 Jan 2011 {UPDATED} Patrick Minnis of NASA Further Exposed as Disinfo Just a reminder . . . most people on GLP believe that Chemtrails are real no
27 Jul 2000 Patrick Minnis, who seems to be the appointed "anti-chemtrail" spokesman at NASA's Langley Base and is the main man trying to tell us that
In February 2001 and 2002, NASA's Patrick Minnis "found a maximum in It was just “coincidence” that Minnis was measuring chemtrails being laid down from
23 Sep 2008 greenhouse gas effect," said Patrick Minnis, senior research scientist at NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va. The study
8 Mar 2001 The link to this page is entitled "Nasa Scientist Quoted in USA Today Talks About Chemtrails". "Date 2-28-01; From: Patrick Minnis
2 Aug 2004 “Patrick Minnis, who seems to be the appointed "anti-chemtrail" spokesman at NASA's Langley Base”. “Mr. Minnis speaks untruths out of one
The chemtrail conspiracy theory holds that some trails left by aircraft are Patrick Minnis, an atmospheric scientist with NASA's Langley Research
17 Jun 2008 There are good references to chemtrail debunker websites on Wikipedia including interviews with NASA's Patrick Minnis.
Chemtrails - The Final Verdict. Part 1. By Mario Andrade by the NASA Langley Research Center, home base of scientist Patrick Minnis –the same individual
2 Feb 2006 Patrick Minnis, who seems to be the appointed "anti-chemtrail" spokesman at NASA's Langley Base and is the main man trying to tell us that
21 Jan 2004 A 7 March 2001 article by Traci Watson in USA Today describes the "chemtrail" phenomenon. She quotes Patrick Minnis of NASA's Langley
One PCT, William Thomas, claims that chemtrails are part of a "massive, Patrick Minnis, a senior research scientist at NASA's Langley Research Center in
Further, Minnis stated that “the cloud-forming contrails that conspiracy theorists by the NASA Langley Research Center, home base of scientist Patrick Minnis –the same NASA image shows intricate web of chemtrails over the US
The Chemtrail conspiracy theory holds that some contrails are the result of Patrick Minnis, an atmospheric scientist with NASA's Langley Research Center

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