Kraus Patrick J 316-796-1214 Colwich Kansas(ks). Patrick Kraus's Photos, Phone, Address, Email, Background


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

LabelName: Patrick J Kraus YPHCCode: Address Number: 19059. Secondary Name: Address Suffix: Address Street: W 53rd St N. Categories. >> Home > Kansas(ks)

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22 Jan 2010 KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Jet Midwest, the new tenant at the KCI Overhaul Base, mall," according to Chief Executive Office Patrick Kraus.

20 Apr 2010 Jet Midwest CEO Patrick Kraus said the 17-employee firm is expected to add Read more: Jet Midwest lands dual-lease deal with Kansas City

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17 Dec 2010 Find 732 of members alumni from Andale High School in Andale, KS . Reconnect with friends and fellow graduates on 1985-1989. Patrick Kraus.

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Patrick Kraus, vice president of sales at Jet Midwest Inc. in Kansas City, Kan., said he recently visited PAS headquarters and was amazed at the difference

16 Apr 2010 Jet Midwest is a Kansas City, Kansas-based commercial aircraft and its slow (drive) to Kansas City," said Jet Midwest ceo Patrick Kraus.

4 Feb 2011 CEO Patrick Kraus said the operation has added about 50 jobs since it received its Federal Aviation Administration ce... » In. Kansas City

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State: Kansas. Industry: Oil and Gas Operations. Description: Patrick Kraus is Finance Executive of Lubrication Engineers Inc. With a free trial

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