Why do some people wear orange instead of green on St. Patrick's . General Questions - Why shouldnt you wear orange on St. Patricks


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

16 Mar 2009 Although I know well what orange stands for in this context, I have never seen anyone wear orange on St. Patrick's Day.

16 Mar 2010 If you are looking to be a little different on this St. Patrick's Day then orange may be your color. Though green is the traditional color

17 Mar 2007 Being in the U.S., I had no idea St. Patrick's Day could be so controversial! I' ll have to be careful what color I wear today!

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2 Apr 2006 Orange is symbolic of Irish Protestants while green is symbolic of Irish Catholics. On the Irish flag, there is an orange stripe, a green stripe and a white stripe. answers.yahoo.com › ... › › - -

‎ - 7 May 2010‎ - 17 Mar 2010‎ - 11 Mar 2010‎ - 9 Mar 2010

24 Oct 2010 Saint Patrick's day is a holiday celebrated all over the world to Why don't German baptist women wear pants? Many churches tell their women

Orange on St. Patrick's Day got me to thinking about the other Irish - the I still enjoy St. Patrick's Day parades and such, but don't wear green to

17 Mar 2009 On this St. Patrick's Day, many of you are likely to take part in that time- honored tradition of wearing green.

The Cincinnati Reds were the first team to ever wear Saint Patrick's Day hats in 1978. The Boston Red Sox were the second team to start wearing Saint

Let gay men and their families, friends, and political allies wear ORANGE on Saint Patrick's Day 2000, proclaim widely in advance that they will do so,

17 Mar 2007 Being in the U.S., I had no idea St. Patrick's Day could be so controversial! I' ll have to be careful what color I wear today!

17 Mar 2009 Why shouldn't you wear orange on St. Patrick's day? Submitted: 700 days and 16 hours ago. Category: General. Value: $9. Status: CLOSED

16 Mar 2010 Wear orange on St. Patrick's Day. William III (William of Orange), born in 1650, was the son of William, Prince of Orange, and Mary Stuart

I wear Orange on St. Patrick's Day (which is really pretty ballsy of me in NYC!) Toro77. I'll wear green. Green is a more Irish color than red.

Answers.com - Why do some people on St Patrick's Day wear orange / Answer In Ireland the Catholics wear Green to honor St Patrick.

Please tell me the meaning of wearing orange on st.patrick day.

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