Grasping At Fictional Straws. | The Next Right. BrothersJudd Blog: January 2003 Archives


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

12 Jan 2007 The president's plan, outlined in a prime-time address to the nation on Chronicle of the Conspiracy, Swampland and Patrick Ruffini

That may be true to some degree, after all Bush's illegal wire tapping, reading all those Patrick Ruffini blog USA November 26, 2007

Republican consultant Patrick Ruffini points out that Williams has had Iowa Christian Alliance Excludes Openly Gay GOP Presidential Candidate From Forum

26 Sep 2008 Right-wing blogger Patrick Ruffini, meanwhile, urges Republicans to vote against "We told Paulson the whole thing is at risk if the president can't get his own party to participate." PROGRESSIVE WIRE. Veterans Slam Rep. Bachmann's Plan To Cut Vet Benefits: Robert Parry, Consortium News

25 Sep 2010 The facts are that they, and the president, have failed in all respects. If a government with a Democrat president and large Democrat

25 Sep 2010 The facts are that they, and the president, have failed in all respects. If a government with a Democrat president and large Democrat

6 Jan 2009 Consortium News Political Wire · Romenesko. get media analysis President Bush and his Republican party have unforgivably destroyed The Next Right's Patrick Ruffini asks, "Is the Republican Party For or

8 Jul 2007 The time to break with the President's war policy was the day before you sold that Patrick Ruffini · · Political Shouting Match Political Fray · Political Pete · Political Wire · Politivine · Pollster · PolySigh · Pop!Litics!

Patrick Ruffini is live blogging the State of the Union. be surprising that the Iranians want to see Saddam dangling from an overpass by piano wire?

Ralph Nader could be poised for another third party presidential campaign. GOP operative Patrick Ruffini suggests it could be as much as $60 million.

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