patrick stewart autobiography: Books. Patrick Stewart | Biography, Photos, Movies, TV, Credits


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

A look at the life and career of Patrick Stewart. Information, news, links to posters, books, photos and movies.

Patrick Stewart: Biography. patrick stewart. 11 photos. Birth Place: Mirfield, Yorkshire, England; Date of Birth / Zodiac Sign: 07/13/1940, Cancer

21 Oct 2010 Patrick Stewart (full name Patrick Hewes Stewart) was born on Saturday, July 13, 1940 in Mirfield, Yorkshire, England and he is a famous

Known the world over as Captain Jean Luc Picard on television's Star Trek: The Next Generation, Patrick Stewart has amassed years of television,

Biography for. Patrick Stewart (I) More at IMDbPro ยป IMDb Mini Biography By: International Audience Alliance for Patrick Stewart (IAAPS)

Patrick Stewart biography and filmography. PATRICK STEWART Date of Birth: July 13, 1940 Born in Milford, Yorkshire, Parick Stewart was performing in various patrick stewart autobiography: Books.

Judging by the career of Patrick Stewart, apparently not. Stewart's fame as Captain Jean-Luc Picard provided no end of opportunities for the actor following

2 Jun 2010 A Shakespearean performer who exuded an authoritative presence, actor Patrick Stewart spent many years in repertory theater before becoming

A look at the life and career of actor Patrick Stewart.

He is a veteran of the esteemed Royal Shakespeare Company and a stage actor of distinction and eminence. But he will likely always be best known as Capt.

9 Nov 2009 Patrick Stewart home page to view photos, read Patrick Stewart news & biography, see interviews, find movies at

Biography of Patrick Stewart, Star Trek's Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

Patrick Stewart fan site, with news, interviews, and career bio of his work in theatre, film and television.

"Patrick Stewart Biography". The Patrick Stewart Network. 2007. http://www. Retrieved 14 January 2008.

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Stewart has become a familiar face late in his career, as 'Star Trek's' Captain Jean-Luc Picard and 'X-Men' stalwart, Dr Charles Xavier.

Patrick Stewart , Actor Born: 13 July 1940 Birthplace: Mirfield, Yorkshire, England Best Known As: Star Trek 's Captain Jean-Luc Picard British actor.

21 Jan 2009 Patrick Stewart: 43 Photos, 13 Videos, 18 News Stories. Member of various local drama groups from about age 12. Left school at 15 to work as

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