Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011
16 Jul 2009 For the last two weeks, I've been testing two drum carders: the Patrick Green Deb's Delicate Deluxe, and the Strauch Finest.
Most drum carders are hand-cranked but some are powered by electric motor. Using a Cottage Carder to Card White Alpaca. This carder is a Pat Green Jumbo Carding of wool can either be done "in the grease" or not, depending on the
Drum carders. Eaton Rapids, MI 48827, 517-663-2711. Duncan Fiber Enterprises Hand-driven and motorized carders Patrick Green Carders Ltd. Hand-driven and motorized carders. They make both English wool combs and the Viking combs.
16 Jul 2009 For the last two weeks, I've been testing two drum carders: the Patrick Green Deb's Delicate Deluxe, and the Strauch Finest.
29 Nov 2009 Finest Professional Pat Green Drum Carder Wool Carding - eBay (item Even used, nice carders like Strauch or Pat Green go for several hundred
29 Nov 2010 Patrick Green. Carders available now! Order today. Bigger drum size. Holding about 4.8 oz. this carder met the needs. Good for wool and mohair. The Triple Picker has over 600 points, all sharp, hardened, ground,
20 Mar 2007 The Mielkes Way of Washing Wool. MAKING A DRUM CARDER. Taos Woolen I don't know about this attachment for the Patrick Green carders.
29 Nov 2009 Finest Professional Pat Green Drum Carder Wool Carding - eBay (item 200409447288 end time Nov-29-09 16:03:35 PST)
Hand-carders are a pair of wooden paddles with wire faces. The wire teeth are either Hand Carders for Spinning · Patrick Green Drum Carders Wool Carders
29 Nov 2009 Finest Professional Pat Green Drum Carder Wool Carding - eBay (item 200409447288 end time Nov-29-09 16:03:35 PST)
Video results for patrick green drum carders wool carders Working on a Drum Carder Part 1, Take 2 Working on a Drum Carder Part 5
25 Jun 2009 Drum Carder Dilemma. Pat Green Three Drum Supercard What drum carders have you used that you liked/disliked? Anyone with additional info on cottage- industry wool processing and equipment, advice, pricing,
15 Jan 2009 The "best" drum carders for smooth batts, in my opinion, are Strauch, Oh, and the Patrick Green Supercarder will smooth out most all of the texture, Pre-carding the wool may seem like a lot of work,
8 Oct 2008 We produce cashmere, mohair and ultra fine wool from our own flocks of Another special feature on the Pat Greene carders is the high and
Combs & Hackles · Drum Carders Color Card for Rug Binding Wool. Show product details for Patrick Green Drum Carder Belt,
31 Oct 2009 Most of the drum carders in the session were Strauch Finests or Your description almost makes me (the girl who is a wool comb purist) try drum carding… I'm using a Pat Green Fancicard with the fine cloth and I
Drum carders. Eaton Rapids, MI 48827, 517-663-2711. Duncan Fiber Enterprises Hand-driven and motorized carders Patrick Green Carders Ltd. Hand-driven and motorized carders. They make both English wool combs and the Viking combs.

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