Psychiatry Department - Search the Directory - UBC Faculty . Dr Fitzpatrick Stephen John Vancouver, Ilene Fitzpatrick


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

John commenced his practise with The Office of the Public Trustee and prior to joining the firm, had been a partner with other Downtown Vancouver law firms.

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2255 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 2A1. Detwiller Pavilion Consultation Liaison - Director - Dr. Stephen Fitzpatrick, 604-682-2344 x 62319. Fax, 604-806 -8287 Associate Head - Dr. Jon Fleming, 604-822-7846. Fax, 604-875-5438

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2010, Stephen Gill, Geoff Lee. 2009, Andy Fitzpatrick, Ron Chong. 2008, Andy Fitzpatrick, Ron Chong 1988, Jack Muir, John Grisdale. 1987, Gerry McIlhargey, Carl Grittner 1939, Dr. R.F. Butler, E.N. Sutherland. 1937, Frank Cotton

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in Vancouver had a strong. CAPM presence, including Dr. Stephen Fitzpatrick , St. Paul`s Hospital, 1081 Burrard. St., Vancouver, BC. are Drs. John Whelan (one of the founding members of the team),. Stephen Anderson (burns and

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Bibliography of publications by Dr. John Watson (p. 343-346). (shrink) of Philosophy University of British Columbia 1866 Main Mall Vancouver B.C. V6T1Z.

Rating Feedback for Dr. Lester (346500) · Rating Feedback for Dr. Michael ( 1349606) Fitzpatrick, John, M, Family / General, Courtenay, BC, 1/17/11, 22 , 4.8 Fitzpatrick, Stephen, M, Psychiatrist, Vancouver, BC, 1/27/08, 1, 2.0

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Give Anderson Stephen Brstr & Solctr premium priority and full business description. Ashcroft & Co Brstr & Solctr Baron Don Law Corp. 1548 Marine Dr . West Vancouver, BC Fitzpatrick J Gary Brstr. 299 24th St. West Vancouver, BC

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