Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011
10 Oct 2009 2012 researcher and author Patrick Geryl, inspiration for many writers Otherwise, very credible information from Patrick and correlates
21 May 2009 His interview sessions are NOT widespread.. type in “Patrick Geryl” and I implore you to find loads of information on this man. It's hard.
Rare info on the Georgia Guidestones. Oddnet. 11. 936. Mon Oct 11, 2010 7:38 pm. vision-master View the latest post. No new posts, Patrick geryl's theory
After months of waiting, The Orion Prophecy by Patrick Geryl and Gino Ratinckx was This is a shame, since David Pratt has published information (on the
The interview presents important information, including the announcement by Patrick Geryl that he and his associate Gino Ratinckx have discovered the
19 Feb 2011 OK, so Patrick Geryl was on about a 87ish day solar cycle where we can expect factualityor implications of information posted here,
The Orion Prophecy: Will the World Be Destroyed in 2012 by Patrick Geryl Paperback 1.0 out of 5 stars Very misleading title-- NO good info on survival
9 Sep 2010 According to Patrick Geryl, an 85-day (on average) pattern of solar storms has Here is the link to the information on the NASA website
Welcome to this site where you can find all information about the writings and research of Patrick Geryl concerning the coming polar reversal in the year
10 Oct 2009 2012 researcher and author Patrick Geryl, inspiration for many writers Otherwise, very credible information from Patrick and correlates
Patrick Geryl is a Belgian amateur astronomer and an author. On his official website he claims to have written nine books, all of which are bestsellers 1.
9 Sep 2010 According to Patrick Geryl, an 85-day (on average) pattern of solar storms has Here is the link to the information on the NASA website
Patrick Geryl is only one of these people. When you are trying to decipher between truth and fiction, it is important that you get your information from
11 Feb 2011 Patrick Geryl, for instance, talks about dietary ideas but he only covers a fraction of the resources of information in that area available
2 Dec 2010 2012 Patrick Geryl Predictions A year or so back I stumbled, by chance, Register To Receive Information About The End Of Days
2 Feb 2010 In his book The Orion Prophecy, Patrick Geryl, sometimes called Mr 2012 claims to understand secret information about the process of

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