Werewolves Vs. Lycans. Werewolves - Werewolf Stories and Folklore from around the World


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

St. Patrick was said to have transformed the Welsh king Vereticus into a wolf; Natalis supposedly cursed an illustrious Irish family whose members were each

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This werewolf disorder has mysterious resurfaced for the first time since Arcadia and hears of Lykanian werewolf rites 432 AD St. Patrick arrives in

A Harz Mountain Werewolf Tale. » Amazon-Weres. » Little Red Riding Hood. » Livonian Wolves at the Leaping Wall. » Snuff-Sharing Werewolves. » St. Patrick

With this tale, the werewolf entered popular literature that provided plenty of and Saint Patrick himself was believed to have transformed Vereticus,

20 Sep 2007 St. Patrick transformed Vereticus, a king in Wales, into a wolf; and St. Natalis cursed an illustrious Irish family with the result that

22 Nov 2009 One legend of the origins of werewolves can be traced back to St. Patrick and the catholic tradition. St. Patrick, while teaching his ways

Apuleius, Metamorphosis composed 170 AD Pausanias visits Arcadia and hears of Lykanian werewolf rites 432 AD St. Patrick arrives in Ireland

5 May 2008 St. Patrick was said to have transformed the Welsh king Vereticus into a wolf; St. Natalis supposedly cursed an illustrious Irish family

Sometimes, the condition of werewolf is the result of a spell cast by a magician (St. Patrick of Ireland changed Veretius, King of Wales, into a wolf).

Keeping with the saintly theme St Patrick is reputed to have turned the Welsh prince Verticus into a wolf. Saint Augustine was also an avid believer.

St Patrick is said to have cursed an entire clan who displeased him by their lack of faith; every seven years they turned into werewolves.

St. Patrick transformed Vereticus, a king in Wales, into a wolf; and St. Natalis cursed an illustrious Irish family with the result that each member of it

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