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Whether the employer's exposure to liability is said to stem from the risk of 2 Patrick S. Atiyah, Vicarious Liability in the Law of Torts (London:

Finally, Corbin said that section 90 "is believed to be in substantial harmony Patrick S. Atiyah, An Introduction to the Law of Contract 153-54 (4th ed.

, - 2002 - Law - 749 pagesIn the common law, by contrast, it has been said that duress 'overbears' the victim's will DPP. of Northern Ireland [1975] AC 695 BC; Patrick S. Atiyah,

4 Jun 2006 As we have said this situation was perfect if you try to imagine ATIYAH Patrick S. et al., The Sale of Goods (Harlow: Longman, 2001).

25 Aug 2006 Bp Essays For Patrick Atiyah By Peter Cane Jane Stapleton - Scholarly S. Atiyah and Robert S. Summers 1987 First...sustance in Anglo-American He said: "It will take a great deal more thought and work before.

While the latter half of the nineteenth century may well be said to have embodied the ideal Patrick S. Atiyah, An Introduction to the Law of Contract,

In our scenario, can it be said that there is a meeting of the Powell, [ 1942] I All E.1L 220 (P.A.); see also PATRICK S. ATIYAH, AN

- 1994 - Law - 344 pages1, 4, 11;and from Patrick S. Atiyah, "Judicial-Legislative Relations in England, " in though, insisted that the statute meant what it said, that is,

Patrick S. Atiyah QC FBA (born March 5, 1931) is an English lawyer and academic. He is best known for his work as a common lawyer, particularly in the law

Patrick S. Atiyah QC FBA is an English lawyer and academic. Atiyah said that the mathematician he most admired was Hermann Weyl. Hermann Weyl

Id. (citing Patrick S. Atiyah, Tort Law and the Alternatives: Some Anglo- American Increased litigation is said to result in substantial costs and delay.

26 Oct 2009 Atiyah (Patrick S. Atiyah) even pointed out that violations are 'damages At present, the common law pass, said that the violations are

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