Patrick meaning - Patrick boy name - Patrick popularity . Baby Name Patrick: Meaning, Origin, And Popularity -


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

The name origin and meaning of Patrick. The Latin Baby Boy Name Patrick means - nobleman. Religion: the patron of saint of Ireland.

Patrick Meaning and Definition: Meaning, definition, usage, example and sample sentence of Patrick from dictionary, wikipedia, quotation and news.

Patrick: The full lowdown on the boy's name Patrick from Namipedia, the Baby Name Wizard's naming encyclopedia.

Meaning and origin. Patrick is a Latin boy name. The meaning of the name is ` noble one `. Where is it used? The name Patrick is mainly used in Irish,

The real name meaning for - Patrick. Patrick, Cool, calm and handsome, a quality only found in pricks. Meaning for the name Patrick. Comments Posted

Patrick - Discover more about the name Patrick, including its origin, meaning, pronunciation and variants. Also find famous people named Patrick along with

Patrick - What does the boy name Patrick mean? Read the concise name meaning, origin, pronunciation, and popularity on the baby name Patrick.

Find the meaning of the name Patrick. Search more than 30000 baby names meanings . Including American baby names.

The meaning of the name Patrick is 'Patrician'. This page offers more name info like origin, popularity, variants, usage by language, public feedback,

Patrick: Definition and Pronunciation. 3. a male given name: from a Latin word meaning “patrician.” Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997

Baby name Patrick: Meaning, origin, and popularity of the name Patrick plus advice on the boy's name Patrick and 50000 other baby names from the bestselling

This name was adopted in the 5th-century by Saint Patrick, whose birth name was Sucat. He was a Romanized Briton who was captured and enslaved in his youth

Meaning of the Name Patrick. e-mail. Currently 0/5 Stars. You may use the stars on the left to rate and leave feedback for the current article.

Patrick meaning - Patrick boy name - Patrick popularity. On

Meaning and origin. Patrick is a Latin boy name. The meaning of the name is ` noble one `. Where is it used? The name Patrick is mainly used in Irish,

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