Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011
20 Dec 2010 Lois Davis Douglas & Kathryn Demoss Janel Gillespie Rosemary Goldberg Jackie Haynes Jon Corbell & Associates Deva Nell Kilpatrick John
Everything you need to know about Devin Kilpatrick Email addresses, Phone numbers, Biography, Pizza, Anita, REYES, Deva Kilpatrick - Shongaloo, LA |…
3 results found for Kilpatrick in Shongaloo, La, (0.058 seconds). 1. Deva Kilpatrick. 25475 Highway 157. Shongaloo, LA 71072-2528. (318) 539-3175
4 Feb 2010 Funeral services for Hazel Caswell Kilpatrick, 95, were to be held at 10 a.m. Deva Nell Kilpatrick; and a host of nieces and nephews.
Everything you need to know about Devin Kilpatrick Email addresses, Phone numbers, Biography, Pizza, Anita, REYES, Deva Kilpatrick - Shongaloo, LA |…
Kilpatrick Deva N 25475 Highway 157. Highway 157 Shongaloo 71072. 318-539-3175. More Info · Kilpatrick James 25475 Highway 157. Highway 157 Shongaloo 71072
20 Aug 2008 Death record and obituary for James Harold Kilpatrick from Shongaloo, LA - James was born on October 4, He is survived by his wife Deva.
On top of the Kilpatrick Hills. Deva out and about. On top of the Kilpatrick Hills. Deva (Set) · Poppy Awards * Post 1 - Award 3... (Group)
Deva nell kilpatrick | SINPF Deva Nell Haynes Kilpatrick | Facebook Friends: Angelia Fleming, Fannie Moore, Ivon Pearce, MondayNite ChoirBoys,
Brown, Maureen Deva Meade · Brown, R.L.(d. date unknown) Brown, Sidney Lavern Kilpatrick. Kilpatrick, Christopher Keith
Event, Deva Divas Ladies Triathlon. Held On, 18th Jul 2010. Participant, Kilpatrick, Sally. Bib, 168. Position Overall, 56. Gender, Female
Join Facebook to connect with Nell Pasgt face shields Deva nell kilpatrick I slowly approached the window over the sink. He signed his name corner Deva nell

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