Patrick A. Miles Jr. - a Grand Rapids, Michigan (MI) Corporate Lawyer. Candidate Patrick Miles distances himself from House Speaker Nancy


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

8 Aug 2010 Young Republican Justin Amash cleaned up in the 3rd Congressional District against two well-established opponents, but newcomer Democrat

Patrick A. Miles, Jr. (Born Oct. 19, 1967) is a Grand Rapids, Michigan-based business attorney and was the Democratic nominee for Michigan's 3rd

18 May 2010 Patrick A. Miles Jr., a Grand Rapids, Michigan (MI) Lawyer, Attorney - Corporate , Telecommunications, Minority Business Enterprises.

16 Oct 2010 Cash is flowing into the spirited 3rd Congressional District race, but state Rep . Justin Amash, R-Cascade Township, continues to have the

Pat Miles, the Democratic nominee in Michigans Grand Rapids-based 3rd congressional district repeated today that if hes elected, he wont support Californias

Patrick Miles. Title: Business Law Partner, Dickinson Wright PLLC; Demographic info: Greater Grand Rapids, Michigan Area | Law Practice

25 Oct 2010 GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WZZM)- Congressional candidate Pat Miles is distancing himself from fellow Democrat and current House Speaker Nancy

28 Oct 2004 The 2004 DSA recipient is Patrick A. Miles, Jr., a 36 year old Grand Rapids native and partner at law offices of Varnum, Riddering,

26 Jul 2010 One of the democratic candidates is local lawyer and civic leader Pat Miles, who has been part of the Grand Rapids community for decades

18 Mar 2010 GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) - Patrick Miles Jr. is running for the Congressional seat currently held by retiring Vern Ehlers.

Patrick A. Miles, Jr. Member. Download vCard · Grand Rapids Office. pmiles(at) Phone: 616.336.1016. Fax: 616.458.6753

3.18.10 - Grand Rapids, MI - - Patrick Miles Jr., a Grand Rapids business attorney and community leader, announced today he is launching his campaign for

18 Mar 2010 Patrick Miles Jr., a Grand Rapids lawyer, was to formally announce today his campaign for the Democratic nomination to succeed U.S. Rep.

18 Mar 2010 Miles, 42, who attended Harvard Law School with President Barack Obama, is second Democrat to announce.

Attorney Patrick Miles is past president of the Grand Rapids bar association, and a Harvard Law classmate of Obama. On the GOP side, state Rep.

Super Lawyers provides Attorney Profile of Patrick Miles, Jr. located in Grand Rapids, Michigan (MI) focused on Business/Corporate and Mergers

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